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By: Dag Heward-Mills
Narrated By: Rupert Farley
Length: 409mins
Release Date: 2022
Language: ENGLISH
In the beginning was the word! The Word was with God! The Word was God! God and His Word are always at the centre and the beginning of anything worthwhile. If your life is to amount to anything, God and His Word must be the principal thing.
Your wisdom reveals the way you think. Wisdom makes you a practical person. A wise man builds something. What you have built reveals your wisdom. Wisdom is the master key to the leadership skills you need for ministry. Wisdom is the key to dealing with the challenges of leadership. Solomon asked for wisdom from God. God gave him a wise and understanding heart. The result of this wise and understanding heart is seen throughout the Bible.
This book does not talk of high-sounding words that are used to confuse people. The author, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, seeks to enlighten the listener that though there are different kinds of wisdom, the word of God is the principal thing.