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By: Dag Heward-Mills

Narrated By: Abena Busia

Length: 138mins

Release Date: 2017

Language: ENGLISH


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The Bible admonishes us to: "look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others""(Phillippians 2:4). In this timely book, Dag Heward-Mills challenges you to go beyond thinking about yourself and think of others also! Love others also! Consider others also! Care about others also! Live for others also! Jesus came to die for us because He thought about ""others"". I want to be more like Him. Do you want to be like Jesus?"

Chapter 1 - What You Must Know About Others
Chapter 2 - OTHERS or Self?
Chapter 3 - What Jesus Did for OTHERS
Chapter 4 - A Good Samaritan Cares About OTHERS
Chapter 5 - Your Judgement Will Be Based on Your Treatment of OTHERS
Chapter 6 - A Real Apostle is Sent to OTHERS
Chapter 7 - God Blessed Abraham Because of OTHERS
Chapter 8 - Esther Was Celebrated Because She Helped OTHERS
Chapter 9 - Moses Became President by Looking on the Burdens of OTHERS
Chapter 10 - Nehemiah Became Famous by Thinking About OTHERS
Chapter 11 - David Became a National Hero By Thinking About OTHERS
Chapter 12 - Joseph Became a Darling Boy So He Could Help OTHERS
Chapter 13 - Daniel Became a Great Prophet by Thinking About OTHERS
Chapter 14 - Job Was Healed Because He Prayed for OTHERS
Chapter 15 - The Four Lepers Did Well Because they Remembered OTHERS
Chapter 16 - Gideon Became a Judge By Thinking about OTHERS
Chapter 17 - Nabal Died Because He Did Not Remember OTHERS

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