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By: Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Narrated By: Bishop John Ahiati
Length: 121mins
Release Date: 2021
Language: ENGLISH
Publisher: Action Chapel International
My life is a testimony. Your life is a testimony. God has a plan for me and His purpose for me was already predetermined. All He was looking for was my willing cooperation with His plan. The enemy has a plan to destroy you and all he is looking for is your willing cooperation with that plan. You will see in my story that as long as I was unaware of God’s plan, the enemy was determined to derail the divine plan that God has for my life. But, once I made the choice to follow the plan of God, to cooperate with the Lord and to seek Him with all my heart, soul and strength, my life dramatically changed and my divine destiny unfolded before me. He opened the door of deliverance for me and countless others. God took me out of the miry clay, set my feet fast upon the rock, and put a song in my mouth to sing.