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Who Is He That Overcometh The World


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By: Dag Heward-Mills

Narrated By: Obed Parry Donkoh

Length: 136mins

Release Date: 2023

Language: ENGLISH


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Why must we overcome the world? Why would I need to overcome the earth? Is the world not just this earth that God created? These are the questions we may genuinely have after reading the verse in 1 John 5:5 which asks, “Who is he that has overcome the world?” Although we may not understand it, this scripture is very clear that the world is something to be overcome. If the world were simply this earth, there would not be much more to overcome, than to ensure that we do not drown in the river or the ocean, or to ensure that we do not fall off a tall tree. The “world” is more than a place in which we live. Celebrated author, prophet and teacher, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, in this masterpiece, shows us the evil that actually make up the world, and how it creates a strong pressure against every believer. It is this strong pressure that believers must overcome.

Opening Credits
Chapter 1: Who Overcomes the World
Chapter 2: If This World is Not My Home, What Is It
Chapter 3: Overcome the Pressure to Follow the Course of this World
Chapter 4: Overcome the Pressure to Conform to this World
Chapter 5: Overcome the Pressure to Love this World
Chapter 6: Overcome the Pressure to Befriend this World
Chapter 7: Overcome the Pressure from The Hatred of the World
Chapter 8: We Have Another World in View
Chapter 9: Accept to be a Fool in this World
Chapter 10: Three Secrets for Living in this World
Chapter 11: Overcome the Pressure of Materialism in this World
Chapter 12: Live Righteously in this World
Chapter 13: Overcome the Afflictions and Tribulations in this World
Chapter 14: Overcome the Pressure from the Cares of the World
Chapter 15: How Jesus Related with the World
Chapter 16: Overcome the World through the Holy Spirit
Chapter 17: Prepare for the End of the World
Ending Credits

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